Application of Furnace Bottom Roll
    Heat treatment technology in all parts of the world have a wide range of applications, application of heat treatment technology not only improves the quality of products, and brings considerable benefits to related industries. Therefore, th...
Parameters & Properties of Rdiati
    Hexin Machineryhasaprofessionaldesignandall kinds ofhigh,mediumandlow temperatureradianttube,radianttubeisenclosed in protective sleeve inside electric heating elements ofohmicheating,indirectlybythesleevelining and heat radiationheatsthewor...
Benefits and Specifications of W-type R
    W-typeradiant-tubeismainlyused forheat treatmentfurnace,mainspecifications: wall thickness: 6-12mm Weight: 120-600kg Outer diameter: OD80-219mm Category: W-type, U-type, I-type, S-type Contentof Ni: 33-36%, Contentof Cr: 24-26%, Radianttubeh...
the right operation for furnace rollers
    how to use furnace roller correctly...
heavy tube sheet castings of heat resista
    we manufactured this tube support by sand casting method for Italy customer...
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