1, wax mould surface wrinkles, as a result of wax material temperature is too low, firing rate is too low, wax material movement and molding temperature mismatch;Or because of the pressure inside surface is damaged or not clean;Chilling metal, such as improper is placed in the wax models surface movement trace.Grain deep, similar metal casting cold-lap defects;Around and around the core, holes, sometimes visible to the seams, were slightly concave, actual it is the junction of two strands of wax flow not good fusion, this is the temperature of the wax material is not enough, the result of insufficient pressure.Wax mold surface depression, mainly is the injection pressure and time is not enough, or wax material at higher temperature, cooling time is not enough, sometimes too much mold release agent, surface concave involved is relatively large, be difficult to repair, easy to cause waste.
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